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  • mtbyyossi

The beauty of Torah

Ever since I committed to learning Torah and doing mitzvahs, my life changed dramatically. I’m not just existing, I’m living. I’m vibrant. I’m growing expeditiously. I see light and beauty on a whole new level. I don’t just view things from an animal soul perspective but now so much more of spiritual soul perspective.

In Tanya we are learning about, loving your fellow as you love yourself. If you think about it, it’s pretty impossible to do. Yes, if we are thinking through our animal soul, it is. The animal soul wants everything for itself. Is always uno for its own. Doesn’t want you to share. Wants the full cup. Needs and wants things for itself. On the other hand, the spiritual soul wants to connect with hashem all the time. Wants and needs what hashem wants and needs. If you want to truly love your fellow, we need to look at them as the soul perspective. The soul wants connection. The soul wants Torah and mitzvahs. It wants to be connected to its source. The source of all creation. Hashem the king forever and ever. Hashem is everything, every thought, speech and action. Every cell of every living and non living thing. Life and death. Before, now and future. Hashem is all. Hashem is one. Hashem is the creator and we are the creation. Everything we do is for him. All our needs and wants and desires should be shared with him and for him. If we are thinking of our animal soul, everything in this world is for me and only me. If we are thinking, speaking and doing through our spiritual soul, everything is for hashem. The soul is the driving force within us. It’s what’s keeping us alive. It’s what’s helping us thrive in this world.

6 years ago I got married. 6 years ago I had no idea what I wanted from life nor how to do it. I was struggling, spiritually, emotionally, mentally and physically. I was lost and just trying to exist. In these past few months I’ve learned that I have a purpose in this world. Hashem has a reason why I’m here. I have meaning in my life, I was just blinding myself from seeing it. I know if I keep doing what I’m doing now, not only I will keep leveling up but I’ll also get closer to my purpose in this world but I will also enjoy the process. I’m living today not just existing. I’m thriving today, not just getting by. I look forward to everyday I wake up. I thank Hashem everyday. Thank you Hashem for returning my soul back inside this body, to serve you, love you, do what you want and what you need. To learn your Torah and do your commandments. I’m so much happier, spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically. I don’t just look at my body and say something not nice about or boast and say I’m the best no one is better then me. I look at the body and say what can I do with this body to make this world a kinder, better and happier place. What can I do to serve hashem the way he wants it to be. What can I do to keep it healthy for hashem. To keep it functioning well for hashem.

Life isn’t easy. I know there will be ups and downs. Yet no matter what I know my purpose in life and I will rise up, and learn and keep moving forward. Keep climbing the mountain. Bring another with me. Together Am Yisroel Chai. We will bring moshiach and moshiach will come now. Lechiam

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